ARPA Start Up/Expansion Grant
With the generous funding of Sheboygan County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars, Family Connections is excited to announce Start Up and Expansion Grants for individuals interested in opening or expanding a childcare program.
Start Up/Expansion Grants are designed to support existing and new childcare providers as they work to grow their businesses and offer additional childcare slots in Sheboygan County.
To be eligible for a Start Up/Expansion Grant, providers must be fully licensed or in the pre-licensing stage. Proof of licensing status must be provided at the time of the application.
Grants are one-time funding opportunities offered to both group and family providers to increase the number of available childcare slots by:
- Opening classrooms
- Opening new centers/family programs
- Increasing access to childcare in areas where it is currently unavailable.
The following grant amounts are available:
- Up to $10,000 for a Family Provider
- Up to $20,000 for a Group Center
If awarded, grant dollars can be used for material or capital expenses related to opening or expanding childcare offerings.
A subcommittee of the Sheboygan County ARPA Childcare Taskforce will review applications on a quarterly basis. Grants will be awarded based on the ability to meet the established goals of the grant program and funds available.
Expansion Grant:
Start Up Grant:
To apply for a grant or to learn more about this opportunity, please call Family Connections at (920) 457-1999 or email:
Colleen Steinbruecker – Executive Director |
Cassie Weber – Childcare Recruitment Specialist |
Erin Williams – Childcare Recruitment Specialist |